Leland was a stubborn little man for his newborn session, although we managed to get a few lovely images for his mama, he was a challenge! This is the 3rd baby I have photographed for this wonderful family, you can see his pretty mama’s maternity session here. xo
Sometimes pregnancies don’t go as planned. We take for granted having an uneventful pregnancy and healthy outcome with our anticipated baby. But, life throws curveballs once in awhile. Michelle (an amazing newborn photographer in Spokane area) was expecting triplets and during the 12 week discovered that one of the foetus’s wasn’t developing as expected and that only 2 of the babies would develop. when she was 19 weeks along in her pregnancy, TTTS (twin to twin transfusion) had occurred resulting inutero laser surgery to correct this issue. At 25 weeks her membranes ruptured confining her to complete bedrest in hospital. I was down in Spokane teaching a maternity workshop and photograph Michelle’s maternity pictures – except she was now on bedrest. So we took a few in the actual hospital room using natural light – she was allowed to stand up for a short period of time only. I’m so glad we were able to capture a few images for her because shortly after at 28 weeks she delivered Ellie 2lb15oz and Faye 2lbs12oz. Both babes are very stable but have long NICU stay. Congratulations my friend on being such a strong, brave and beautiful mama. xo
I love creative clients, and my lovely friend Angela is both creative as a professional makeup artist and willing to try new concepts with me 🙂 She has such a beautiful soul, xo