Gorgeous Haley is expecting baby #2 in 6 weeks. We had our session on a beautiful warm evening. Walking back to the vehicles, Haley stopped and grabbed her tummy in pain. I got her to the hospital where she was checked out and everything ended up being ok but it was definitely a few hours of wondering if she was going into labour! A bit stressful, but her session turned out absolutely stunning as you can see. You’re beautiful Haley, xo.


This post is close to my heart. I am so pleased to introduce my only niece, Andie Patricia.  She’s special not only because she’s my first niece, but she was also born 9 months after my amazing mom passed away.  ( you can view my posts about mom here and here. )A day before mom left us, my brother told mom that his wife and he were considering trying for a baby – which was a bit of surprise to all of us.  A couple of weeks after her passing, my sister in law discovered she was pregnant ♥ And 9 months later, Andie arrived weighing 7lbs.

I was so excited! I flew down to Kelowna to photograph Andie for her newborn session. My friend Heidi from Heidi Mckelvey Photography graciously offered the use of her studio in Summerland, BC. Everything was ready for this sweet baby . . .and it all went to hell. Seriously, she has to be one of the most difficult and uncooperative babies out the HUNDREDS of newborns that I have photographed in 8 years! Before we even took one picture, she pooped everywhere.  Then stayed awake screaming at us for another hour.  Somehow I managed to get a few images of her  – all I have to say about that session is that its a good thing she was my niece!

And here she is, our sweet ray of light after a difficult year – my pretty niece, Andie Patricia, xo.

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