Cute Parker was content for his first photo session with Glow Portraits, until the end, even when Mom or Dad was holding him, he’d had enough. So many beautiful images for this family of their little boy – and his big sister was an absolute doll when it came to her holding him. Lovely family, xo.
Miss Maryn – beautiful name, love! Just shy of 8lbs and cute as could be. We had so many pretty images from her session it was difficult to pick which ones to show in this post. You have a lovely sweet girl Kelty & Dayton, congratulations. xo
Meet Oliver, gorgeous baby with the BEST hair! He was a doll for his session, sleeping happily for his session. Oh, and he had the sweetest baby fuzz on his back shoulders, too cute 🙂 Congratulations mom and dad, make sure you bring him back in a few months, xo.