Baby Chance is a miracle baby.  Medical circumstances after mom conceived would usually not allow a baby to survive but this sweet boy did. He was meant to be – and thats where his name came from 🙂  In one of the images he is holding an ultrasound picture of his brother that passed away late in Mom’s pregnancy previously – so blessed is this little man! I’m so happy to have met this lovely couple,  xo.

newborn holding ultrasound imagedad snuggling newborn babydaddy holding newborn boymom, dad and newborn posemom, dad and baby snuggling mom holding newbornparents holding newborn posebeanbag pose on blue fabricnewborn boy on blue flokati furclose up of newborn on beige fabricnewborn taco posesnuggle newborn pose with wraptaco newborn pose on blue fabric

newborn boy wearing beige hat