Sarah is an amazing photographer, mom of 3 girls and a designer! I’m so pleased to have her do this post 🙂

You are a photographer AND a digital designer! How did you get into designing your templates/cards/web sites etc?

I would share designs I had done for clients on forums and other photographers starting asking if they could purchase them and the ball kind of rolled from there. I actually have a Fine Art Degree in Photography and Graphic Design, so designing is a fun creative outlet for me.

You have an amazing eye for color and skin tones, what’s your secret?

Hmmm…I think proper lighting (or finding the good light especially outdoors) and exposure are 2 things that really help with achieving great color. The lack of those 2 things means underexposed and ruddy/red images which can be very hard and time consuming to fix in post processing.

How do you balance being a photographer, mom of 3 girls, and designing?

Oh I wish I had a great answer…it is hard to find time for it all!! My family definitely comes first and my work schedule is set around that. I try to stay organized and on-schedule with my photography business or it has the potential to take over life. I think learning to say no to some things is essential especially if you don’t think they are a good fit to you. Designing for me means I have to be in the right creative mindset. I can’t really “schedule” that so usually squeeze in design time here and there as I can.

Do you prefer photographing indoor or outdoor?

That’s a trick question. I can’t choose. I love them both for opposite reasons. I love shooting outdoors because it’s unpredictable and fun, you can just let loose and have a good time. Evening light and bold colors make me absolutely giddy. I like shooting studio light indoors because I have complete control and am able to manipulate the light to my specific preferences.

What kind of lenses do you use for your indoor and outdoor sessions?

Outdoors I almost exclusively shoot with the Canon 135L. I would marry that thing if I could. 😉 Indoors I use the Canon 50 1.4mm and the Sigma 35mm 1.4. I just recently got the Sigma and it’s a sweet little lens. 🙂

One thing you could tell aspiring newborn photographers regarding starting out in newborn photography?

Learn about the business side of things. If photography is your profession, price yourself accordingly! I think there is a perception that having a photography business is a great way to make a few extra bucks, and while that may be true, I know people who are making 6 figures with their photography business. Really think about how much time you put in. Don’t sell yourself short.

How important is networking with other photographers to you and your biz?

It always helps to get your business name out there and have those positive word of mouth referrals, but I haven’t put a huge focus on networking in my photography or design business.

What is the best way you have found regarding marketing your products and your photography? Are they the same way or different?

Hands down the best marketing for my photography business has been my clients’ word of mouth. I would guess about 75% of my clients are referrals. It is the hugest compliment when a client refers me.
My design business has had to take a bit of a backseat at times but I would say it’s more of a mix of things – photographer referrals, good SEO, a little networking, and some paid advertising on various forums.

If you weren’t a photographer, what else would you be doing career wise?

I honestly have no idea. Since my degree is in Photography & Design this is it for me. 🙂

What inspires you for creating your designs? Who inspires you in photography?

Designs – definitely clothing/home decor trends and magazine layouts
Photography – Definitely my clients…and wanting them to have something they will love forever.

Most popular designs: Simple Bebe Album Templates :
Merry Everything Holiday Card Templates:



A single newborn baby can be difficult in a photography session and twins can be extremely challenging! These two little dolls, Charlotte & Olivia were rockstars for their newborn photography debut with Glow Portraits.  I had an assistant (Danica) help me with the session and having the extra pair of hands was definitely helpful. What a double blessing for the parents – absolute sweeties! Cant’ wait until they can come back for their sitting session in a few months, xo.

twin girls snuggling on cream furtwin newborn girls holding eachothertwin photography posetwins wearing white bonnetsnewborn twins sleepinggirl newborn twins snuggling on pink flokatitwin girls on pink fabric beanbag posetwins in taco posetwin girl newborns on beanbag posemom and dad holding twin newborn girls