This is one absolutely GORGEOUS baby girl! The hair, the lashes, to die for! Amazing. But then again her mama is stunning . . .what a lovely family <3 Mama is a vet and we incorporated a saddle, loved how the image turned out! Thank you so much for bringing this bit of sweetness in Kim, she’s beautiful! xo
Sweet Emily slept the entire session, what a treat. She had the prettiest skin and wispy hair, gah! Wanted to keep her but mama wasn’t going fof it . . .Gorgeous baby Isabel <3
Little Everett was a stubborn wee babe, weighing 6lbs 10oz at birth. He was awake on and off during our session and near the end when Dad was snuggling him he decided to stay awake and take it all in . . too cute! Congratulations Clayton & Karla, xo.